

Scatolificio Venezia srl ( website uses cookies to make its services simple and efficient. Users who access the Site will see minimal amounts of information inserted into their devices, be they computers or mobile devices, in small text files called "cookies" saved in the directories used by the user's web browser. There are various types of cookies, some to make the use of the Site more effective, others to enable certain features.
Using our website, you declare that you accept and consent to the use of cookies in accordance with the terms of use of cookies expressed in this document.

What are cookies?

Cookies are text files that contain packages of information that are stored on your computer or mobile device every time you visit an online site through a browser. Every time you visit, the browser sends these cookies to the website that originated them or to another site. Cookies allow sites to remember certain information so you can browse online quickly and easily.

There are two main types of cookies: session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies are automatically deleted from your computer when you close your browser, while persistent cookies remain stored on your computer unless they are deleted or reach their expiration date.

Cookies on our website

Scatolificio Venezia srl uses the following cookies on its website, with the purpose of:

Session cookie – Session cookies store and retrieve values for a given user. The information is stored server-side; the information stored on the server remains in memory until the session expires (closed the browser is deleted).

How to disable cookies from your browser

Warning: Disabling all or part of technical cookies can affect the use of site features reserved for registered users. On the contrary, the usability of public content is also possible by completely disabling cookies.

Disabling "third-party" cookies does not affect navigability in any way.
Most browsers allow you to reject/accept cookies.
As an example, in Firefox, through the Menu Tools->Options ->Privacy, you can access a control panel where you can define whether or not to accept the different types of cookies and proceed with their removal.



Internet Explorer:



If you would like to learn more about cookies, configure or delete them see the website

List of cookies used on the site
It preserves the user's status in the different pages of the site.

Stores the user's cookie consent status for the current domain.

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